Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Update April 10

Well, as I sit here eating my peanut butter on wheat toast, it came to mind that I hadn't updated my blog for almost two weeks.  I'm finding that updating this thing on a consistent basis is pretty challenging in it's own right.

I'm pretty close to the end the challenge now, and have some decision making to do. While I really enjoy going to Genesis, I'm not sure I can afford to continue to go on my own and I KNOW I can't afford to pay for Cassidy when this is done.
I may hafta do a little bit of wheeling and dealing (in the form of radio promos and extra articles) to stay.
I do have one bad taste in my mouth from the gym and that was the recent promise of talking to their nutritionist.
I was informed by a Genesis employee (not Cass or any of the outstanding morning personnel) that he would like me to speak to the Genesis nutritionist. Numbers were exchanged and a phone call promise was made.

Never Happened.

So now, as this contest rolls down towards the end, I've explained to everyone and Cass that this offer is now a day late and a dollar short. The nutritionist is not going to do much additional help. And if she does, it's not going to do anything for the perception of the gym in the paper. (and we all know Genesis is a business and as altruistic as it may seem, is in it to make money and show that they are the best amongst the local competition).

So anyway, Cassidy has been pushing me pretty good these past two weeks. The last weigh in for this weeks paper update is 205.8 which is an 18lb drop total. I'm jazzed!

Ok. I'm tired of typing and my brain needs a break from a long and strenuous work week.

Much Love,


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