Monday, March 29, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Update - Day....I have absolutely no clue

Fyi...Decided I wanna work towards looking like this...not just dropping the weight.

It's now March 29th. I haven't blogged since the 11th and for that I apologize.

So far I'm:

Down 14lbs
Had to buy new work slacks (size 42 waist to a size 38 waist)
Got a massive chest cold during week four that a) kept me from working out Thursday to Sunday b) made me cough so badly that my whole torso felt like it was used by a professional boxer and c) still hasn't quite gone away.

Today starts week 6 and my goal of hitting the gym twice a day for this week. M-W-F am will be dedicated to working out with free weights and a few machines with Cassidy and every evening and T-Th mornings will be dedicated to Cardio. Unless of course Cassidy suggests that I do "true" two a days.

This morning was tough. I got up not feeling 100% and super stiff and for some reason don't feel that I gave it my all this morning. Cassidy and I hit free weights with dumbells (incline press, bench press, crunches with a weight behind my head, rows etc. and then the normal heart racing jumping jacks  and jump squats)

It's a good thing that I've been doing some cardio off and on through out the challenge because I'm not sure I would have survived the "heart attack" that my middle son, Bryan, gave me when he decided to pass the hell out(faint) in the living room and then the follow up phone call from the school nurse saying he had a 102.6 temperature.

Thankfully the doctor did agree that the two were not connected (he got up to fast and locked his legs) and that he has a head cold that really just needs rest and plenty of fluids. No infections...whew. Was worried because he didn't have an upset stomach or any coughing sneezing sypmtoms that usually come with the flu/cold. but if anything changes I'll be sure to get a hold of the doctor. Right now, he's doing well after a 3 hour nap and some food in his belly.

Tonight at the gym, I think I really did finally conquer the elliptical as I did three ten minute sets at level 6 and a 5 minute set of level 8. then moved on to the bike for ten minutes, posed for some quick snapshots for the Gazette and then treadmill cool down for 5 minutes. It felt really good.

I haven't used the Livestrong website for the same amount of time as I haven't been blogging. But I'm still eating right and maintaining portion control. (I did break down and have a grilled cheese thickburger from Hardees this past weekend, but if I don't indulge occasionally, I'll be hitting the upcoming Easter candy like a ravenous mongrel. I've even with held temptation from my Mom's yummy cookies and have had only two (counting it as a snack so I don't "overload" on my calories or sugars). And seriously, if you haven't tried Green Giant Steamer Veggies, you should...yum.

I think my blender has finally had it. I've been making protein shakes/fruit smoothies in it for the past 30 days and it was an old cheap model. I'll have to hold off until the 15th to get a new one, so I'll be ingesting not quite blended fruits for a little longer...LOL.

Anyway, I think that's it for a quick update on the progress. to put a figure on the 14lbs, I'm now at 210lbs and still going strong. It's a good chance that I'll make the full 20lb goal by the end of this challenge and hopefully back down to at least 175lbs by fall.

Also, thanks to all of you for the still unending support, kudos, congrats and "Damn, you're looking good" comments. It helps :). Maybe I should be more open to finding a girlfriend as my kiddos suggest...LOL. Oh sure to check out my update in the paper tomorrow.

Much Love,


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