Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 12 - Time to "Man Up" with Style

I hope this post finds you well and healthy Today

This morning I could definitely feel the muscles in my lower back from doing the back extensions yesterday (o where o where can I find a good cheap massage therapist). Unfortunately for my body, I'm going to ask Cassidy that we bump it up just a little more, cause truthfully, the back is the only thing sore this morning.

Yesterday still wore me out though, not gonna lie. I hit the sack at about quarter to 10pm and crashed hard until I started to consistently hit the snooze button until 5:45am. And last night, I felt like I was going to be pretty sore. Even so, I still feel fantastic.

So I pulled myself out of bed, got dressed, made the kids' lunch, woke them up well enough to know that they were going to stay up, and went to the gym.

First off, let me say that I'm considering the use of a spray bottle full of water for an even quicker wake up response from the kids, but I'm not sure how well that would improve their morning attitudes (prob not so much...while I would think it hilarious.."Oh look Sky, I don't need to worry about you using all the hot water cause you've already showered today".. kids on the receiving end would probably not care for it. Also, when we play games like that, the kids tend to up the ante. Not sure where they would get a bucket to use on me, but I'm sure they would.)

Secondly, I know it's an "off" day, but I'm feeling pretty spunky this week. So I went and hit the treadmill this morning for about 20 minutes. Nothing hard, and I could still hold a conversation with my buddy George. If I can, I'll probably do it again tonight.

Third and Final. You're probably wondering "Why is there a picture of Jensen Ackles (Dean from Supernatural) in this blog"? And for those of you I text...THAT'S the guy I was texting about. Let's just say that to me, the character Jensen plays, as well as how Jensen Ackles acts off set, embodies today's "Man" figure. He's intelligent, impulsive, likes the traditional "man things" (read women, his car), is tough, but not so tough that he's invincible and absolutely witty. He can also let his guard down. No wonder women swoon for this dude.

Anyway, if I'm gonna "man up" on this challenge, I might as well get a good looking hairstyle. Hence the picture. That's the style I'm shooting for today, and I think it will flatter even my roundish face (even though I don't have a cleft chin. Or a squarish jaw (yet)).

Back to the exercise and diet. I've been drinkin LOTS o' water this past week and a half. So much so that my tank gets very full, and the bathroom and I are getting to be pretty close friends. So far today, I think I've drank at least 72oz worth of water (that's 9 full 8oz glasses) and the day is only half gone. I've done very well on my calorie counting so far with no cheating. Also, I think to prevent any stomach swimming during my workouts, I'll drink just enough water to wet my whistle, rather than big gulps in between sets. I really don't think my mouth is dry when I work out because I'm thirsty, I think it's because of the breathing I do.

Well, here is yesterday's calorie breakdown:

27.89% protein
40.32% carbs
31.8% fat

Calories: 1414.75 (tgt 1661 per Livestrong.com) w/ 296 calories burned (1,120 calories)

[no worries, I am eating well and plenty, last night's supper consisted of 2 oven cooked Salmon fillets portions and three servings of broccoli and cheese which amounted to a whole 295calories. And I've been eating a smart lunch and a morning and afternoon snack. However, I felt like a health food pinata last night when I was finished]

Fat 54.54 g
Cholesterol 172.5 mg
Sodium 2389 mg
Carbs 155.59 g
Sugars 85.66 g
Fiber 18.05 g
Protein 107.63 g

That's all I have for the moment.

Until the next post,

Much Love,


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