Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 21 - Anyone have a spare belt?

OK ok! I know I haven't blogged anything for the past few days. But here is a quick update. I need new pants. My khakis and jeans just don't fit anymore. Now, just like other tummy endowed people, I wear my pants at my hips, not my waist. But since my waste is round and gravity is the enemy, wearing my pants at my waist is like trying to talk Jack and Jill from going down hill. It just doesn't work.

I ended up having to add a notch to my current belt just so it would cinch tight enough to keep them up. I don't want to spend alot of money on clothes yet, since I'm not at my goal, but I'm not sure if I can afford a self induced pantsing episode. Even my gym shorts are getting a bit on the loose side. Which is pretty annoying while working out I've found.

Oh and I'm down to 215lbs. That's a 9lb drop so far. 11lbs to go for my Shape up Goal. Also, Cassidy approved of helping out on my personal goal of doing at least ten unassisted pull ups (only about 1 month away).

Heather's update appeared in the paper Tuesday.

And it looks like she's hanging in there and doing a fantastic job. And I hope she does well, but I'm still gonna win....LOL.

It still irks me about her access to a nutritionist, but I don't think I'm doing to badly in the department by

My update will be in the paper next Tuesday the 16th. We'll see if the update I sent in will be in the paper, or if I need to put a new one in (since the only asked for my impression of the first week and not the second or the third[this week])

Cassidy will be off work for his Spring Break and hopefully enjoying himself while I continue to bust some butt on my own next Monday and Wednesday. We will definitely see how well I can push myself for those work outs.

Tuesday I went in and did a few minutes on the elliptical and then hit the treadmill for a quick 30 of cardio. Then of course my workout on Wednesday. Even though this is Thursday, Cassidy and I did so many exercises that didn't really utilize the machines, that I sort of forgot what they were. I know I did front squats and clear pulls and curls and rows with a barbell (40lbs). And of course the jumping jacks and thankfully sit down crossover crunches. Other than that, I'm at a loss. I do know that Cassidy has alot up his sleeve and we are gonna shock the hell outta my body the next few weeks (one for instance is squat throwing a 25 or 50lb medicine ball, sprint to it, pick it up and throw it far as I can fun fun).

Today, I went in at 5:30am and did about 30 minutes on the treadmill (part of trying to stay consistent with the schedule.

Cassidy just emailed me the plan for Cardio while he's gone (which may get incorporated with a couple of classes). He suggests 15 minutes on the treadmill (with the incline around 4 or 5) and at a fast walk pace.  Then move to the bike for another 10 to 15 minutes (level at 8 or 9), then finish with elliptical for about 5 to 10 minutes (level between 4 and 8). That's quite the Cardio workout, but I'll give it a shot Saturday.

Well, off to bed so I can be functional for the 5am workout.

Much Love,


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