Monday, March 8, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 18 - Make it and Break it week has begun


I just wanted to add to those of you that recieved my "witty text" that I sent about being sick and looking at it as a positive way to lose weight, it was probably not the wisest text in the world to send out. As we all know and have heard of, there are many different eating disorders out there, mainly anorexia nervosa of two types:
  • Restricting Type: during the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has not regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (that is, self-induced vomiting, or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas). Weight loss is accomplished primarily through dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise.
  • Binge-Eating Type or Purging Type: during the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating OR purging behavior (that is, self-induced vomiting, or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).
I in no way, shape or form, condone weight loss through either of those methods.

Weight loss should be a regulated and healthy by product of proper exercise and nutrition.
While I, to a point, understand how one can have a distorted body image or an obsessive fear of gaining weight, eating disorders can cause irrepairable bodily and mental damage.

If for some reason you or someone you know may have this disorder, please, for your sake and their's, talk to them and at least have them recognize the issue and hopefully seek help. For more information go to: And remember that this doesn't just affect women and girls. It affects boys and men as well. Thanks - James

******END UPDATE*****

First a brief catch up on the past weekend. As you know from the previous posts, my two older boys ended up catching the crud (i.e. a stomach bug) which passed through their system rather quickly (note the toilet paper picture and you'll understand what I'm talking about).
They were thankfully done with it with in 36 hours and I thought I had dodged it fairly well. So, with the energy I had left for the day on Friday, I decided to take in the evening Yoga class.

Yoga is an interesting class. I've only tried it occasionally before and each time it severely knocked me on my butt. This was really no different. Within 10 minutes, I was already sweating and stretching and lifting and moving in ways my muscles and limbs aren't used to moving. Before you giggle and go "Wuss, it's Yoga....such a chick exercise", go ahead and give the hour class a try. I dare you. then we'll see who's giggling at whom.

Anyway, I felt pretty good after the class. Nice and limber and all stretchy bendied out. Went home and I did the normal routine taking care of two healthy and one sickly kid. And then by 11pm, the stomach bug hit. and hit and hit. Appreciatively, by Saturday morning, Sky had come out of it completely and was able to help out with certain things (By the way, my kids are fantastic and on most good days they tend to handle themselves well and without any need for parental intervention...unless I wanna play too. Thankfully, Sat and Sun were those type of days).

I was out of it. I spent the majority of my time Saturday curled up on my bed or in the bathroom and absolutely sore as heck. Not the sore from the first day after working out, but sore like that x10. Then as I'm feeling better, Dyl gets hit with it Saturday night. Poor kid. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Sunday rolled around and the frequent trips to the bathroom rolled to a near stop and then I got hit with the lowgrade fever and more bedrest, but I at least was able to get up and around, do laundry, make supper, mediate a few disputes and play our Halo night.

Which brings us up to today. After crashing at 8:30 last night, I woke up pretty much ready for the day at 4am. Still feeling a little muscle weak, I took a quick warm shower (to get rid of the sickly sweat smell and to loosen my muscles),  and preceeded to the gym.

Today is the beginning of week 3. Which means that this is make and break it week. What do I mean by Make it and Break it? A general popular rule of thumb (which I'm unsure if it's scientifically proven since everyone is wired a bit differently) is that you can make, break, or change a habit in approximately 21days. So my Make It (exercising and paying attention to what I eat habit) and Break It (eating unmoderated fast food, drinking empty calorie soda habit) is this weekend. If I can hold out til Sunday, knowing that I'm doing well and progressing, the rest of this challenge will be cake.

Weigh in: 217.2lb   That's another pound down. Unfortunately, it may not be anything but loss in water weight from the sickness, so it may come back up. After the 6lb loss the first week, I'm not really looking for any big losses until week 4 (next week).  Started off with the treadmill of course, then Cassidy did the Body Fat measurements. Then put he put me on the elliptical for 8 minutes on level 6.

The elliptical sucks.

Cassidy must have had one of his mischievous streaks today, since right after those 8 minutes, we went straight into the leg press (ugh my thighs). and from there we did

chest press
shoulder press
[at this point I comment on how it sucks getting over being sick and my muscles feel weak like I'm starting all over. Cassidy responds that I'm doing fine since he actually upped my weight on the machines. LOL. I should start paying more attention to that I suppose, but I'm kinda worried it'll psyche me out in a bad weigh making me think I can't do that weight]
jumping jacks
push ups
bicycle (crossover) crunches
rinse and repeat

then did,
row machine
hamstring curls
leg curls
tricep pull downs
lat pull downs
bicep curls

and finally stretch out and done.

Friday's boring stuff:

26.07% protein
49.59% carbs
24.33% fat

Calories: 1598 (tgt 1613 per w/ 647 calories burned (952 calories)
Fat: 44.35 g
Cholesterol: 155 mg
Sodium: 3562.6 mg
Carbs: 203.4 g
Sugars: 86.67 g
Fiber: 23.45 g
Protein: 106.94 g
Saturday's boring Stuff:

17.56% protein

58.32% carbs
24.12% fat

Calories: 1041 (tgt 1613 per w/ 0 calories burned (1041 calories)
Fat: 25.2 g
Cholesterol: 71.89 mg
Sodium: 1253.16 mg
Carbs: 137.11 g
Sugars: 87.22 g
Fiber: 3.99 g
Protein: 41.29 g

Sunday's boring stuff:
27.87% protein

47.13% carbs
25.00% fat

Calories: 1477.5 (tgt 1613 per w/ 0 calories burned (1477.5 calories)
Fat: 42.25 g
Cholesterol: 228 mg
Sodium: 1427 mg
Carbs: 179.25 g
Sugars: 113.25 g
Fiber: 9.75 g
Protein: 106 g

Till the next post.

Much love,


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