Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 14 - Musings

If only I had this nifty clock. Lol. The kids and I actually overslept today and didn't get up until 6:30 this morning after hitting the sack at 9:45 last night. Apparently I shut of all my alarms (alarm clock, and 4 alarms on the phone) when they went off. We also forgot that we turned the heater off yesterday and practically hibernated in a 66 degree apartment.

Update on the Bry guy: Bry got up this morning feeling pretty good. No runs, no fever, and is back to his smart-alecky self (When putting on his brother's hoodie - "Wow, this really smells like Sky. Hey Dad, can we wash this?")

As I pulled myself together from the sleep induced lethargy and made the boys' lunch, I noticed my soreness creeping in. I'm actually sore in my upper thigh and abs. A little sore in my lats and shoulders. I'd say that yesterday's workout was successful using the no pain no gain adage.

Since I slept in this morning, I didn't get a chance to do anything at the gym. I am still 3 for 3 on going (Monday - normal workout, Tuesday - 20 min on treadmill, and Wednesday - normal workout). But to keep up with my personal goal of 6 days this week, I'll need to go in this evening. Speaking of evenings at the Gym...

I was thinking today (surprise surprise), that if I wouldn't have started this challenge that I really probably wouldn't be at the gym or even working out. And I noticed that there really are some reasons for this and other things dealing with fitness in general.

1. Heavier people tend to have a low body self-esteem. It's true for me and mostly true for our culture in general. We are bombarded daily with what our appearance SHOULD be and how we SHOULD feel about it (instant guilt complex anyone?). Yes, being heavy can be unhealthy and yes we should recognize that and better ourselves but it is no cause to have a low opinion of yourself. Even though I'm fairly extroverted and egotistical (yes I know I'm cute), I was, and still kind of am, uncomfortable showing my inept ability for working out around people I don't know (hey, if I know you and am comfortable around you, sure I'll let you buddha wish on my belly).

Solution: Just visualize what you'll look and feel like after you start

2. Amount of people in the gym in the evening. While this plays into Number 1, it also can induce a type of panic. You go in thinking ok, I'll hit the treadmill. That isn't too hard and won't make me feel stupid. Yet all the treadmills are taken. Yes, Genesis has a 30 minute time limit on the treadmills, but really, do you want to stand around looking and feeling silly while you wait your turn? Also, evening has some fairly attractively intimidating and in shape people using the machines. And that doesn't included the trainers and staff who are all pretty good looking and fit. Talk about feeling a bit insecure in yourself watching them all work.

Best Solution: Go in the morning if you can schedule it or make the time like I did / have a back up exercise plan. Think it through.

3. Unfamiliarity with the equipment or gym layout. Even though one usually receives the tour after paying for your first month of membership, there can be some areas that are glossed over. Like where to put used towels, where's the water fountain (seriously, I didn't even know where the water fountain was my first week). And most normal tours don't encompass how to use the machines. To avoid feeling like you're dumb ask questions.

Best solution: Pay a little more to have a trainer (one session maybe) go through the machines with you and explain the safest way to use them.

4. Expecting too much too quickly. Read that as disappointment. It doesn't matter what the TV ads say, it takes time to lose the weight. and the healthiest way to do it is a suggested 2lbs a week. I understand that, for the most part, we are an instant gratification type culture. But hey, you didn't gain all that weight overnight, you're certainly not going to lose it overnight. Just like you worked on sitting, eating or whatever to gain it, you're gonna need to work on exercising to get it off. Yes, you may see quick losses early on (I lost 6lbs in the first week), but don't expect that every week. Fat is stubborn, be more stubborn than the fat.

Solution: Get in the proper mind set and set realistic goals.

5. Failure to watch what you eat. Look. Everytime you work out you're only burning a certain amount of calories and not all of that is going to be fat. If you gorge your self in soda (empty calories), fast food (high calories) and eat more than you burn in a normal day + exercise, you're gonna see slow results if any. You may even gain more weight. Yes, you may become more fit than you were, but it's not really going to reflect in your body shape or help you lose the dangerous body fat. Then you end up going back to number 4 and number 1.

Solution: Create a food diary and track what you eat. Use websites like to set realistic goals and help track what you eat. You'll see a pattern that you CAN change.

6. Busting too much A$$ when working out. This is a big ouch ouch ouch, for both your body and your mindset.  Too many of us go in thinking that we can still do what we did in high school or even one year ago. And when the next day rolls around and you can hardly move through the pain, you want to give up. We've always been taught (and gentically ingrained) to avoid what hurts us. It's a mindset that you'll need to work through and most importantly:

Solution: Work up to it slowly. Get accustomed to what your body can and cannot handle. It's better to start small and adjust from there than start big and hurt yourself.

7. Failure to treat oneself on accomplishments. Yes I know that I said you should eat right and track what you eat. Go ahead and still track it. Your body will crave what you cut it off from. Indulge in the craving once in a while. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for dietary failure and you'll stop paying attention to how you eat and gorge yourself on unhealthy high calorie foods.

Solution: Reward yourself when you attain a goal. Just don't over do it. ONE soda or ONE bowl of ice cream won't kill you.

Well, those are my thoughts for the day. See you next post.

Much love,


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