Monday, March 1, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 11 - The Official Week 2 begins

Yes. Yes. I know. I skipped yesterday's blog. Seriously, you didn't miss much. I was still sore in my lats and triceps. Camped out the majority of the day, doing more laundry, dishes and grocery shopping. And then watched anime with the kiddos.

Before I progress to the beginning of (official)Week 2, here are the calorie breakdowns for Saturday and Sunday.


18.04% protein
43.52% carbs
38.43% fat
Calories: 1792 (tgt 1661 per w/ 157 calories burned (1636 calories)

Fat: 74.69 g
Cholesterol: 420 mg
Sodium: 3123.5 mg
Carbs: 190.3 g
Sugars: 57 g
Fiber: 7.55 g
Protein: 78.9 g


26.56% protein
43.19% carbs
30.25% fat

Calories: 1648 (tgt 1661 per no excess activity burn

Fat: 53.7 g
Cholesterol: 189.5 mg
Sodium: 2120 mg
Carbs: 172.5 g
Sugars: 81.5 g
Fiber: 13 g
Protein: 106.1 g

Early start today. Earlier than last week. Genesis now opens at 5am and I was there at 4:55.

Walked in, put my stuff away, and hopped on the scale first thing out. Scale read at 218.3lbs! Remember how I flipped out on Friday when I weighed in at 224.2lbs? This definitely made up for the frustration. If I take the highest weight from last Friday and use it in figuring loss, I've lost 5.9lbs this first week. Fan-flipping-tastic! It made my Monday.

I started the day as usual - a ten minute warm up on the treadmill. Then Cassidy and I started on the the following, except we added a warm up set to the first 4 exercises. For those of you in the dark on that, it's when you do approximately the same amount of reps as you would your normal set, but at a lesser weight.

So again I did:

Leg Press x 2 plus a warmup set
Chest Press x 2 plus a warmup set
Butterfly x 2 plus a warmup set
Shoulder Press x 2 plus a warmup set

And in between sets did crossover crunches(first set) and one minute of regular crunches. As soon as Cassidy said crunches for one minute the first words outta my mouth was, "Oh you suck", as Cassidy knows I dislike crunches. But as always, he just grinned at me while I did them. (Cassidy takes my joking verbal abuse so well, what a great guy).

After that the final set on those machines, we went to an new exercise for me. The back extension:
I did two sets of these, except I did the cable row motion with my arms. This helped with stretching my back and lat muscles out.
We then went on to do
Leg curl x2
Hamstring curl x2
Hammer curl (with cable rope) x2
Tricep push down (cable machine)
Mountain Climbers
crunches with my legs on a bench and back on the floor
a jump rope type move (sans jump rope)
Cable rows x2
Then a 5 minute cool down on the bike and stretching.
I left there wore out with some immediate soreness in a few muscles. Nothing too bad and this time, I didn't stumble out of the gym in a hazy fugue-like state. I will say that there is a big difference between 45 minutes of gym time and an hour (big difference). But, the time went quickly and I only once looked to see what the time was.
Maybe if I feel decent enough, I'll head in for a treadmill workout after Dyl gets picked up tonight.
I do believe that I will set the goal of hitting the gym at least 6 times a week. Mon Wed Fri for my workouts with Cassidy and Tues Thursday Sat for either a light yoga class or light treadmill/bike workout. I may even throw in an extra one like tonight. I think I'm understanding how my body is reacting to the exercise, so if it's too much, I'll back off (or if Cassidy ups the routine more...LOL).
Until the next post.
Much Love,

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