Saturday, February 27, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 9 - A cast made of sore

I am sore. As I stated yesterday, Cassidy revved up the workout and oh boy am I feeling it today. This is even more sore than the first workout, but I suppose every workout is the first workout, just with varying intensities.

First thing out this morning was a trip to a surprisingly empty Walmart to buy Bry a brand new lunchbox, since he lost his and couldn't find it for three days (which I'm not sure how much stock I can place in "But Dad, I looked EVERYWHERE"). And I should really learn how to eat before going out anywhere.

As the picture states (as well as my self from time to time...course I'm talking about ego for me), BIG THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES. Amazingly, as I decided to not heed Kelsey's suggestion of blinders when driving, I stopped of at McDonald's and grabbed a quick breakfast. OMG! One (yes that singular) Bacon Egg and Cheese biscuit, 1 (again singular) hasbrown and a twelve ounce orange juice slapped me in the face with a whopping calorie total of 730 calories. Remember, per, my target goal is 1661. I have less than 1000 calories to work with today.

It's a good thing I'm grabbing groceries today. I plan on grabbing some easily made munchies (green peppers, string cheese, more fruit), probably some fish and chicken and rice. Maybe some broccili and beans. I'm quite possibly going to need to make completely separate meal selections for myself and the boys (unless I want to find a second job). Hamburger goes a long way when feeding more than two folks.

Anyway, I'm off to switch laundry out (can I put that in the category of treadclimber?), and then make my grocery list out. Maybe I'll hit an easy workout this afternoon.

Much Love,


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