Monday, February 22, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 1 (THE A.M.)

originally from my Facebook note published Feb 19, 2010:

It's raining today....I like the rain, so I hope it's a good sign that this is gonna be a good workout tonight. On the flipside, it could be God crying because He knows Cassidy is gonna put me through Hell. Either way, it'll be an interesting day.

So far, I consciously woke up at 5 am this morning. And just as consciously, decided to get my buttocks back in bed and sleep for another hour. Ya know, since I didn't have an A.M. work out yet.

I am a bit nervous about starting tonight, but I know I'll be ok. From what I've heard and the impression I've garnered from talking to him, Cassidy will be an alright guy to work with and Walburn's has always been a pretty laid back and comfortable place to me. We'll see if the impression holds as Cassidy kicks my butt the next few weeks.

Cassidy did say that his plan is to start slow and work up to an hour a workout. Now I'm unclear if this means everyday or what. I do have a sneaky feeling that because TWO fitness clubs are involved, there's an under the table bet for Emporia dominance and bragging rights. That's ok with me though as I can be pretty competative when I want to be and I say me and Cassidy and Walburn's are gonna do our best to kick some weight loss ass! :)

This morning I've had ONE sausage egg and cheese biscuit (not the healthiest, but I at least had breakfast which I usually skip), a glass of milk, coffee, and one mountain dew (a habit I know I'm gonna hafta break).

I already know that the rest of today's menu will consist of a turkey sandwich at home and then pork chops, instant (Yeah Yeah I know...I'll buy real next week) potatoes, and peas for supper. I think I ought to be alright on calories as long as I AVOID THE SODA like a plague and not snack at home or work.

Looking back on what I tend to eat, I think my biggest waistline killers on my list are:

Fast Food
The munchies (AKA my mom's M&M or Chocolate Chip cookies....yum!)
or just eating food cause I got bored.

The next biggest waistline killer is probably my job. There, I sit in front of a computer 90% of the time. The other 10% is split between putting out quality fires, grabbing paperwork office to office, or tracking some sort of elusive hardware.

I get some activity at home, but since I have my two teenage boys living with me that earn allowance through chores and schoolwork, my household cleaning is one third a normal single Dad/Mom would have. And evenings can be a challenge to get anything done sometimes, with helping on homework to cooking supper, to making the boys' lunch the next day. Add in that I pick up and have the infamous Dylan (my 9 year old) sporatically throughout the week (from school til his mom gets home) and I've got the recipe for wipedout Dad by 7pm. Then I want to do nothing but watch til bedtime.

Anyway, break at work is over. Time to sit somemore and type out some lovely Quality Documentation and let what little metabolism I have work through my breakfast. I'll type more tonight after the workout.

Much love,


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