Monday, February 22, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 2 - Off Day (Saturday)

originally from my Facebook note published Feb 20, 2010:

Well a few things that I am slightly disappointed about today.

1. I am sore in my left calf, left arm and right shoulder area. This is disappointing just for the fact that I didn't do very much last night but essentially test the machines. A couple of ibuprofen, stretching and water has helped that.

2. My tendency to drink sweet liquids prevails over common sense. Rather than making coffee to get my caffeine fix I grabbed soda. Granted, Ive only had three today but with it being two Mountain Dews and one Sierra Mist (non caffeinated I know), the empty calories I've consumed are 480. Not a good way to lose weight.

3. Personally the disappointment in my body and slight lack of self control hasn't exactly been soothed by the fact that Sky and Bry's mother has decided to bail on the past month's worth of my child support (the support that is STILL being sent to her from my check, even though I have the boys....but that's a rant that probably doesn't belong here, besides that I'll use some of the aggression in my work outs I'm sure)

All in all, today has been a rather lazy day. I woke up at 5am and stayed up for 20minutes, just to make sure that I could get up and be semi-functional Monday morning. Last night, I apparently crashed pretty hard around 10pm, cause I didn't hear the all call for Bar and Drinks (Sorry Scotty).

As you may have noted, I only stayed up for 20 minutes. I decided to get back in bed and I didn't wake up again until 10am. So either these workouts are gonna bust my butt the first few times or I'm inherently lazy as hell. I'll let you decide (it could be both I suppose).

My first meal of the day consisted of Beef flavored Ramen Noodles with a scrambled egg around 12pm today. I then made two turkey and cheese sandwiches with mustard instead of Miracle Whip (as I normally would) about 2 hours later. As I type this, I have three thick eye of round steaks in the oven which will be split among the three kids and myself, as well as french cut green beans and some stove top stuffing(mmm, stuffing).

I have done amazingly well staying away from the super tempting brownies that Mom sent over this morning...They still call my name and I think I will hafta organize a cheat day so I don't completely fall of the wagon and gorge myself stupid on sweets.

I have done some moving around. Laundry, some dishes, horseplay with the kids. But since that is pretty normal activities anymore, My body's gotten used to it and all that does is fend of more weight gain.

I've gotten some pretty good text suggestions lately. Keep it up, I enjoy them and they're pretty good advice. Thanks to those who send them, you know who you are. Oh and Kudos to my bud Jason and his wife for starting their exercise routine back up(before I even started mine) and to Kristy who just started running again. You guys rock!! Also, I wanna put in an early Happy Birthday to L4! Party hard and enjoy your 36th! I know I will in a couple of months.

Anyway, that's the progress for the day as I've been drinking plenty of water and taking it easy. I'll probably repeat it again tomorrow up til I plant some Halo 2 plasma grenades on some kids for our twice a month Sunday Halo night.

I'll let you know how that goes. Now, I'm going to check on supper and warm up from the cold with some hot apple cider (only 80

Much love,


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