Monday, February 22, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 4

originally from my Facebook note published Feb 22, 2010 (3 notes combined):

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 4 -The official start...Or OH MY GOD, am I gonna feel this tomorrow.

Today started as any Monday does...something went wrong. Thankfully, not horribly wrong.

Last night I went to bed around ten (after a fantastic night of racking up Halo 2 kills with the rained Skylar so much I thought Halo added a Monsoon Season...) and set my phone alarm for 4:30am and my clock alarm for 5am.

And of course....I ignored the first alarm and apparently hit snooze on the second. So here I am, awake, flipping out cause it is now 5:10 and my FIRST workout starts at 5:15. So I threw on sweats, my workout shirt, rinsed the mouth with a liberal amount of mouthwash, grabbed the water bottle and as I'm heading out the door, text Cassidy that I was on my way. It turns out that the gym is really close when there is little to know traffic in the street. I was maybe 5 minutes late.

First thing when I get there (besides Cassidy's grin and jokingly commenting about how early it is), we verify with the new manager(? Sorry, I didn't catch his name) that I am in the system. He assigns me a number and a key card to swipe everytime I come in (the card still has Walburns on it).

Then, Cassidy and I head back to his office to do a body fat measurement (they should call this something else, cause man really?). So he reaches in the desk and grabs the biggest hand grip set of calipers with, I swear, the smallest opening I've ever seen. Right away I glanced at my belly (by far the largest portion of fat on my bod) and thought...oh boy this is gonna be painful.

So he measures the belly, pec?, tricep, around the hip, and by the shoulder blade (I think those are the areas, oh and thigh) and writes the numbers . Yes it does pinch a bit. After, that he wants me to get started on the treadmill, so I tell him hold up and let me get the sweats off so I can exercise in my shorts (I bought XL sweats cheaply at Dollar General and cut the string to short so now they are essentially jus covering rather than go out in sweats).

I head into the bathroom to strip those puppies off and realize hey it's kinda breezy (no I'm obviously not awake yet at this point) and remember, just as you probably have from the third paragraph, that I only threw my sweats on over my boxers. Oops.

Slapping the sweats back on and puttin my shoes back on, I walk and and essential say opps, guess I forgot my shorts and we precede.

Cassidy shows me the treadmill set upand sets me off on my slow pace warm up. During that time my buddy George showed up with his girl to workout (missed you G! I'll see ya on Wednesday), which really gave me a boost to do well.

Cassidy takes off and figures the body fat and comes back 8 minutes later to tell me that I am just overweight (Thank frame and weight I was figuring obese by those measurements. Apparently I carry some muscle in here somewhere). I am borderline obese though, so it's a good thing I started now.

Now we start with the circuit training. Don't ask me the weight I was set at, because I really don't remember. This was the first time and Cassidy did apply a little more resistance on a few of the exercises because he didn't think it was heavy enough and adjusted the weight on the second set (and still applied pressure on the last few reps).

We did the following machines for two sets:

We did the following machines for two sets:

Leg press
Chest press
Shoulder press

In between the chest and shoulder (or was it leg and chest?), I had to lay on the floor and do crunches the first set and then toe touches (laying on my back and stretching up) the second set. 20 seconds feels like an eternity do those...
[how I feel about crunches...they suck but I realize they are necessary]

I'm not sure how many reps I did on any of the machines cause I swear (as I was concentrating on breathing) that I would do 10 reps of one and Cassidy would call out 4 more and apply pressure while on another, I would do 6 and he would call out two more...good chance I'm wrong on that, but I do know I was working those machines pretty good for the first time.

[I was really starting to feel the burn in the muscles after the first set on these machines, and apparently started to overheat...I felt ok, but I wasn't sweating like I had been too dehydrated. I pushed on dismissing it]

After those for machines, I went and performed two sets on the leg curl (for the hamstrings) and the bicep-arm curl machines. I was starting to hurt. Not in a bad way, but I did have to take a considerable breather before starting the last exercise, which was the lat pull down bar.

After that, we called it a day. I felt good, but because of my smoking, I was out of breathe and a bit woozy. Cassidy did ask a few times if I was alright...My reply of course was "I'm a machine, let's go".

When he stretched me out is about the time everything hit. Felt a bit woozy and the eyesight kinda blurred. My thought was "Oh crap, don't let me pass out the first day". I took a breather (from sitting down) and Cassidy and I agreed to meet on Wed. Same time.

I grabbed my sweat jacket and without even putting it on, walked outside. As soon as the cold air hit me, I was MUCH better but still felt the workout.

[Suggestion kiddos....make sure you drink plenty of water..I think what I went through was overheating from possibly being semi-dehydrated and my body couldn't sweat in order to cool me down. That's why when I hit the cold air, I felt better. Also, having smoked really kicked my ass in this instance. I still have a minor stitch of pain on my left side. Amazingly, I am NOT craving a cigarette yet.]

When I got home, it's was 6:10. I made sure the boys had gotten up and were getting ready for school and then proceeded to plop down on my bed and actually think "Holy crap, what did I sign up for!". I was still a little out of it and informed Bry to let me lay there for 30 minutes and get me up. So I laid there and relaxed, almost falling asleep a few times while they ate breakfast and got ready.

After thirty minutes, I felt better, but my body, especially my arms and legs, felt like lead. I made the boys' lunches, guzzled a big glass of water and hopped in the shower.

Now as I write this I feel much much better, a little more alert, and am raring to go Wednesday morning. But I know for a fact that I'm gonna be sore tomorrow if not later on in the day...

All in all a good workout.

For my "breakfast" at work, I grabbed a coffee and one Nature's Valley Strawberry Yogurt granola bar (140 calories) and treated myself to a DIET Dr Pepper.

I'll post again tonight and let you know how sore I am.

Much Love,


Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 4 - Coming off the workout high (afternoon)

I am tired.

This is my lunch break at work. I left, had two turkey and cheese sandwiches and a glass of milk and came back to work.

I still feel good, but I am wearing down quickly. This new schedule is gonna kick me in the butt I think. That is, until I get used to it. I've still only had the one diet soda, but have had three (or four) cups of coffee today, and it's not helping. It's only been 6 hours since I got home from working out. And I'm cutting myself off from the coffee now and drinking water the rest of the day.

I hope, by the time this challenge is over, I'll have overcome the need for caffeine to wake up and get around, be and feel alive just through the workouts and morning shower. Juice (some, not a lot cause it can be almost as bad as soda for sugar content), milk, tea and water are hopefully going to become my staple drinks by that time.

I also hope that the inclusion of fruit will help bring the energy level up.

When I posted the last note at 10 something, I was feeling really good, outstanding even. Now, my brain and body feel like I've shorted out and I'm gonna need to take a nap soon. Unfortunately, I'm at work and when I get home, I'll start supper, leave to get Dyl, come back and eat and somewhere help with homework. Wiped out Dad syndrome has started early today and may cause an earlier bedtime for myself. However, I've noticed when I go to bed early I sleep horribly. Here's to hoping for a second wind.

Still, thankfully, no soreness. But I have been up and walking around, going from office to office today (had to, no choice) and I think that helped out a bit. Starting to wonder now much is that Massuse in the window? I feel the need for a rub down.

Just a pre update. I'll do my best to update tonight...If I don't pass out and sleep first.

Much Love,


Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 4 - Light as a feather; STIFF AS A FRIGGIN BOARD

Well, it's almost 7 pm.

The day has ended and the evening has begun. As the night progresses, I can feel my muscles start to get stiff, which means I'll probably be pretty sore tomorrow. I felt pretty fluid as the day rolled on and I really never stopped moving today, which probably helped delay the muscles stiffening up. Now that I've had time to relax after work, cooking, eating and having to referee some minor child squabbles (when are they gonna learn most the things they fight about are petty?), I'm feeling some the after effects.

[why do I have a feeling, that with my friends, using stiff and fluid in the same paragraph is a bad idea...oh well]

I'm doing alright on the energy aspect of things and will probably stay up until 9:30-10 tonight. I also plan on getting up again at 4:30-5am and sticking with that schedule. No sense messing with sleep patterns. I might as well make a new one and stick with it.

I'm still looking forward to Wednesday's workout. My working out, even this once, has the kids fairly proud of their "old" man and Skylar listened intently as I described the morning. He then got bold and patted my tummy and said "bye bye stomach" and then ran off fearing the noogie retribution.

Thanks again to those that are reading and posting. I appreciate it and the comments you leave. It's nice and quiet now with the older boys studying and not needing my help to explain concepts or decipher homework assignments...I think I'll pop on some Hulu and relax the rest of the night.

For supper, the boys (all three) and I had four cheese lasagna hamburger helper (the single dad's greatest use of hamburger...well that and spaghetti), Peas (two servings) and buttered bread. Then we each had two pieces of valentines day chocolate a piece. I'm still drinking water and the only soda I've had was the Diet Dr. Pepper (I may own that company by the time we're done with this.

Have a good night and I'll type more tomorrow.

Oh...and I would post the Gazette's article about Walburns turning into Genesis, but it appears that the Emporia Gazette decided to pull the story from the website. Instead, here is Genesis Heath clubs news release.

Also, if you really really want to read the Gazette's story and updates on me, I suggest to those of you who live here - buy Tuesday's edition of the paper. There are, unfortunately, no promises I'll have a link to post. (for those of you out of towners, let me know and I may be able to grab a few copies for you and mail them...I hope.

Much love,


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