Friday, February 26, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 8 - Disappointment and Fun

Today started well. I got up at 4:30am with some minor hamstring soreness, meandered around a bit, got ready for the gym, ate a bowl of cereal, and took three supplements(fish oil pills, Yohimbe, and a multivitamin) and some before workout ibuprofen.

I hit the gym right at open and went and weighed my self (since it's been a week for official weigh in and since those are the scales the newspaper's published weight came from). Then I got a little upset and disappointed.

If you rememeber, my weight last Friday evening was measured at 223.8lbs. Since then I have:

Cut out soda
Started counting the calories (after my horrible flub Wednesday)
Started eating fruit and increasing veggie intake

In all, I've probably been pretty consistant on keeping the suggested 500 calorie deficit in check [7x500=3500 which is one pound] (even before I consciously did it Wed). Add on the exercising which is burning probably an additional 200-300 cals every other day (Monday, Wed, Fri) and the 100 for Thursdays Bike exercise, I SHOULD have dropped around 2-3 pounds.

Not the case. According to the scales at Genesis (it seems so weird calling it that), I actually gained .4 pounds. That's right. I am now at 224.2lbs.

Now best scenario is, as Cassidy explained, that my exercise and calorie cut sent my body into a shock and it essentially started storing. It's not unheard of. And my body should adjust appropriately to the effort we are putting in. Other possiblities, it's water weight or muscle gain.

After talking about it with Cassidy, while I'm warming up on the treadmill, I felt better. Then I think later today (after sending a mass text saying I'd friggin gained weight) "You know, it's not just losing the weight, I'm actually feeling better and enjoying how this exercise is making me feel". So, weight gain mental dilemma solved.

Cassidy also gave me some papers to look over this weekend about diet adjustment and quitting smoking tips. Just little hints and nudges to help me on my way.

Stashing the papers behind the front desk like they were contra band material, we started the workout and we revved it up a bit (actually Cassidy revved it up, I just did the exercise). And yes...I moaned and smartassed almost the whole time. I hope it came across as joking rather than

We did:

Leg Press x2
Normal pushups x2
Crunches x1
On the back toe touches (ok attempted toe touches) x1
Jumping Jacks x2
[SIDENOTE on the Jacks: It's a good thing that I'm not overly self conscious about doing what many people might seem silly. If I was, that might have been a negotiation point. Tummy bounced EVERYWHERE people. I did say i'm glad he didn't want me to do the washing remember, the old P.E. exercise in grade school? Twist the top one way and the bottom the other...yeah that's the one]
Shoulder press x2
Tricep pull down x 2 (cable machine)
Arm Curls x2 (cable machine)
Mountain Climbers [when did I get uncoordinated by the way...I looked like I was flopping around on ice]
Medicine Ball exercises
Lat pull downs

Before we went from the machines to the cable row, I started questioning my decision to eat cereal and take the supplements before the workout. By that time it felt like the fish oil supplements had hatched actual fish and they were swimming in my belly. not cool.

Cassidy, as usual, made sure I was alright throughout the workout. And for the most part I was. Towards the end, I had to take more breathers and sit for a bit, which did cut the exercise time down a little. Besides that (and the fish swimming), I felt good, but muscle tired and shaky.

We ended with the stretching and casual talk. And then went to check out this website:

Which looks like a pretty awesome way to log my workout and calorie usage (which I of course will post here). Unfortunately I'm having some minor issue with loggin in. It may be due to me trying it at work.

After I left and got home about 5 minutes later than I usually do, and I'm glad I excused myself when I did, because the boys failed to get up on time. Errg. So with a quick light flick and a Drill sergeant "TIME TO GET UP! YOU OVERSLEPT!" which caused Bry to actually bounce up in his bed and Sky to moan and cover his head, the kids got up and prepped for their day.

Sky is still saying he feels under the weather (aka crappy), but still no fever. I hate to send him to school if he really feels that bad, but the boy has called wolf to many times on being sick. So no fever, no staying home. He can recuperate over the weekend.

While the kids got read for school, I promptly fell onto my bed, exhausted. It's a good thing that I don't HAVE to be at work til 8am, because I got up with just enough time to push the kids out the door for the bus (7am).

I felt tired but good on the way to work and picked up another Frisco Breakfast Sandwich to eat at work (CURSE you Hardees and your convenient location between home and work). And of course I forgot my apples and grapes.

However, Mary at work kindly gave me one of her string cheeses to get me through to lunch. And speaking of Mary and work. The picture attached is the product of her and fellow office worker Jeff's mischeviousness. It got posted all over the break room and the office. I'm pretty sure it made it's way to the smelter area by now. I have one posted in my office as well. I thought it was a hoot!

This ends week one's workouts. I may head in this weekend to get some treadmill/bike action again and keep limber. I'll post all the boring calorie stuff later tonight.

Much Love,


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