Monday, February 22, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 1 (THE P.M.) Meeting, Tour, and pics

originally from my Facebook note published Feb 19, 2010:

I was getting antsy so I went in a little early today (15 minutes) which was good since I just got back home from Walburn's about at around 6:45pm. Cassidy recognized me from the picture I sent and greeted me right away.

First thing was first (and Cassidy explained it upfront but we'll skip that) I needed to fill out a membership form for the gym so they could put me in the system (yes a free membership for the duration). Then we sat and talked about goals: obviously lose weight, mainly the belly, target weight about 175, (but realistic in two months prob 20 lbs)...get to a point where I can wrestle with the kids without being overly winded. I talked to him about how I eat and had recognized the bad stuff that needs to be "cut" from the diet (see previous note). As a trainer, Cassidy can't exactly help me with dietary planning, but he did agree with my own assessment.

Then after a little banter and weighing in (224lbs people..not a bad guess on my part without scales) ( chatted about where I work, how quickly I gained this weight going from Smelter Area to Office at work, my kids), we moved on to a quick tour since things had changed (remodel) from the last time I was there and he wanted me to get familiar with where I would be working out.

I will say right here, that I am impressed with the new Walburn's. Everything is sectioned off into logical areas, they have some new equipment that I really like and the staff was pretty nice (and a bit attractively intimidating). Cassidy is definitely a motivator and seemed pretty upbeat the whole time, even though he'd been in there almost 12 hours already. Generally speaking, I think we're gonna have a pretty good trainer-weight loser relationship.

Anyway, 3/4 of the way through the tour, The Emporia Gazette's photographer came in for some shots (pictures, not alcohol even though that woulda been nice too). I had two "before" pictures taken one front one side wearing a Large (yet about half a size too small) Walburn's shirt (unfortunately, they didn't have any XL). So, if you look in the paper and see male muffintop peeking through the white too small fabric of a shirt...sorry, I tried.

Then the photographer took a couple of "action shots" which started the actually trying out the machines and he was done.

After the photographer left, wishing me luck, Cassidy started going through the machines we'll be using.

Yes machines. He wants to start slow and make sure my form is down. Then, later, we will change it up with the cable machine and free weights, not only to shock my body into weight loss, but so I am also well rounded in the gym.

Any way we hit the machines and I did a small amount (5 reps) on each of them to show how to adjust each machine and to get a feel for the machine itself:

Shoulder press (new)
Chest press
Leg Press
leg curls
row machine
shoulder press (older)
butterfly (older)
arm curl.

even with the small amount of reps I did, I broke out into a sweat. As we finished up with the row machine (last), we discussed times to start. I'm free to go in when ever I want, but we both agreed that 3 to 4 times a week for now was good and the first couple of times, I'd come in while he was there for advice, check my exercise form and help with the routine. I start Monday at 5:15 in the morning for the first round of exercise (5-10 minute on tread/bike for a warm up , 20-25 minute circuit training, then about 5 minutes stretching/cool down).

We are both agreed...Emporia Fitness is going's a competition even if they don't know about it.

Now off to rubdown my's already getting kinda sore.

As always- Much Love,


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