Monday, February 22, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 3 - Off Day

originally from my Facebook note published Feb 21, 2010 (3 notes combined):

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 3 - Off Day (Sunday A.M.)

It's Sunday. Quite possibly the laziest day in American culture and what do I decide to do? Get up at 5am.

That's right folks. I decided to get up out of bed, get dressed and stay awake. So how did I spend that early morning quiet time you ask?

I scraped ice off my friggin car windows. As some of you in the Emporia area may have noticed, we got a little bit of ice this morning (for those of you who went out last night while I snuggled in bed with my pillows and cozy comforter, I hope you got home safely).

The sleet, at this moment is still coming down a little at a time and if this keeps up, I'll hafta get up half an hour earlier Monday morning just to scrape windows again before working out. Oh and bonus...I broke my ice scraper this morning to boot...hurray me. However, this is Kansas. In three days, it'll probably be back up in the 50's and I won't need the scraper for another week or so.

This morning, I also avoided the soda and started the day off with coffee. Yay me! Unfortunately I still avoided breakfast even though I cooked scrambled eggs and buttered toast for the kids this morning.

I should also note in here that I am ATTEMPING to quit smoking. So far that has been an off an on thing, almost to the point that I can say "Yeah I quit...everytime I put out a cigarette". If I can treat this fitness challenge like I treat my smokin habit (addicted and hard to quit), I think I'll do ok. As one person stated to me yesterday, hopefully I'll smoke less as the exercise increases. I hope so, because as every smoker that has tried to quit or has gone a couple of days without a smoke, nicotine gives you one hell of a "welcome back to smoking" high on your first drag.

Currently, Ashley Walker and I have been playing phone tag about an interview with the Gazette. She wants to chat, of course, about the Shape up Challenge and grab a couple of quotes out of our conversation. Hopefully, I'll remember to tone down my normal manner of speaking. I'd hate to have a quote saying "hey, everyone wants to look good naked" floating around even if it is true. Ashley and I will chat hopefully this afternoon, and if it's available on the Gazette web page, I'll post a link Tuesday evening when the article comes out (along with any potentially embarrassing photos was taken Friday night).

I've realized for sometime now that my diet kinda excludes fruits. Yeah I eat my veggies, but if I was an old school pirate, I'd probably have scurvy and be dead already (but I'd probably already be in shape from all the ship hijacking and loot carrying too). So this coming pay day, I'll invest in some fresh fruitage and start snacking on that instead of chips or peanut butter crackers.

I'm thinking, with this off again/on again weather, that two things are going to be really important. My diet (what I eat, not what I'm starving myself from) and the amount I sleep. Busting my butt with this fitness challenge is quite possibly gonna throw my body into a heavy shock and while I stay pretty unsick most the time, I can see the possibility of catching something while my body cleans out crap from the muscles and works to recuperate me, leaving it vulnerable to a cold or flu strain.

As I sign out of this note, keep in mind that all your postings and text messages are pretty important to me. It's unbelievably motivating to read congratulations and/or helpful ideas and more so motivating for me to know that there are people reading this and being motivated to start or continue on their trek to fitness.

If anyone feels strongly about it, let me know, and I'll set up a public blog page where you can direct your friends that I don't know (I don't friend people on a whim, sorry. I'm actually surprised I have as many connections on facebook as I do).

Thanks again for reading and as always,

Much love,


Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 3 - Off Day (Sunday) - Changes already

Well, the title may be a bit misleading as the changes are not bodily or emotional for me, but rather a change in gyms.

I'll still be working out at the same location, but as of Monday, Feb 22, Walburn's Fitness and Wellness will be no more and it will be called Genesis Health Club with a new owner.

*****UPDATED 2/22/2010*******
sorry folks...this is now a dead link. The Gazette pulled the story and subsequent announcement from it's website at some point after 3pm today. Here is the announcement per the Genesis Health Club website:


I believe this is the new owner's website:

After texting Cassidy, I've been assured that there will be no change at all, even though he himself just found out about it today. So, of course I flippantly replied that I suppose I'll hafta pose in a new shirt now. Maybe my flippancy was a bit too much, cause I haven't received a test back...oops.

I'm glad that means that Cassidy is still employed there, but I wonder, what if any, involvement Brian and the other Walburn clan will have with the new club.

It's sad to see a family run business turn over to a chain gym, even though I'm sure the chain gym started as a family business itself.

I certainly hope the personality of the place doesn't change with the name. As long as people like Cassidy are in the forefront though, I'm not to worried.

It's also my understanding that there will be even more additions and remodeling. So does this mean that Journey's will also be leaving? There are so many questions, but I guess we'll find some answers tomorrow.

It's sure to be a big change for everyone, client and employee both.

Much love,


Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 3 - Off Day (Sunday) - Afternoon

By Dylan

Okay. no more posts for the day. Still feeling pretty jazzed about tomorrow morning, but it's 4pm and I'm wearing down a bit (skipped my normal sunday afternoon nap), So I wonder what I'll feel like tomorrow after I crash from my workout high. I'll let you know. Course it could be cause I've been refereeing kids more than normal (the picture seems to say it all, I made a full pic, just for your enjoyment).

Haven't done a whole lot today. Mainly sat down and watched some Stargate episodes on Hulu (while the computer was hooked up to the big screen...Woot!) and text friends.

After skipping breakfast this morning, I made two turkey and cheese sandwiches and a bag of chips for lunch at 11:30. Now I'm warming up the oven for some shake and bake chicken breast to go with red beans and rice. Yes, after the coffee, I've been sticking to water.

On the funny side of the day, my recliner decided to go kaput on me, with me in it. It is now in a "stable" and semi permanent reclining position (after attempting to dethrone me) with out the legs being out. I suppose that now I can consider it my home made ab machine for when I get in and get out of the stupid thing. Of course the kids HAD to infer, when it happened, that I was stuck. Thanks little smart alecs.

I'm sure I'll have more to put in tomorrow sometime after the workout. But for now, I'm signing off for the duration of the day. I have two hours to cook, eat and prepare for some butt kicking on Halo 2.

Hope you have a good Sunday evening.

Much love,


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