Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 5 - I hurt when I type

There actually used to be a time I looked forward to shaving. Even way back in my young mind, I must have figured out that Dad was super cool and his facial hair was neat too cause it did this fantastic disappearing trick. Then I'm pretty sure at one point I thought that the shaving cream was acid and ate the hair off the face and you used a stick to wipe it off. Later, I realized that shaving was actually part of a ritual into adulthood (I say adulthood because American women shave their legs as well).

This morning, as I woke up sore as heck in my upper body, I cursed adulthood and any other activity that required me to raise my arms above chest level. Shaving by far was the worst of them.

the morning stretch - killer
shaving - consistent annoyance and some pretty choice words aimed at my stubble, threatening it to not grow anymore
washing my hair
washing my body (ok, that's just movement in general...but it still hurt)
getting dressed - apparently putting on clothes uses alot of friggin upper body muscle.

That's just to name a few. And yes, even typing this aggravates the soreness.

Keep this in mind that it does not debilitate me in anyway. I see no bruising, the muscles aren't "strained", but they are sore.

The sore muscles are(and this is by no means scientific):

upper chest(upper pec)
behind the shoulder
lats (underarm)
and some thigh soreness

Not bad over all since I know i used more muscle groups than that yesterday (abs, lower back, legs)

It is still rather annoying and I'll be happy when the soreness leaves and workouts begin again.

Sidenote : the stress level is diminished somewhat since I received an email stating I'd get child support today. Now we wait and see if it is a month's worth or just one paychecks worth. Telling you right now, the dependence on money sucks. It should be working for me, not the other way around.

I did wake up this morning around 5am (surprising since I was up talking to Mom til 10:15pm. Not complaining, just in awe that I didn't attempt to sleep in).

I actually ate breakfast this morning (small bowl off of brand cocoa krispies).

Now, I really need to watch my health. Sky was complaining about a sore throat yesterday, and we are measuring his temp now, cause he "feels like crap". It's gotten real hard anymore to take him for his word on being sick, since he pulls this almost every other week. Like I've told him before, no temp...no staying home.

Either way, It's still that time of the year and the kids and myself should keep an even closer eye on handwashing habits and keeping sick free.

Well his temp came back (oral, no add or subtract) as 98.1. He's good to go. Daddy prescription, take an ibuprofen and a vitamin and make sure to drink plenty of liquid.

That's all for this post.

Much love,


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