Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shape Up for Summer Fitness Challenge Day 6 - Continuance is strength

The second workout of the challenge is complete.

To start, let me say that I slept horribly last night. With a combination of being unable to get comfortable and anticipation of the next day, I slept for approximately 4 hours, waking up at 2 and then again at 3.

I finally called it quits at 4:30 this morning and prepped for the day by filling my water bottle, getting dressed, eating a banana for breakfast and drinking a big glass of water. The only sore muscles I had were my triceps.

I got to the gym a little early and found that it was open. Apparently, with the new MERGER, Genesis is extending their hours. Mon-Thurs 5am to 11pm. This works for me.

I was happily greeted by the young man at the front desk (I asked Cassidy his name, but I've now forgotten it) and was asked if I was the guy in the Gazette. He then asked how I got chosen and he got a kick out of the chart idea.

[Cassidy apparently slapped the article up for the employees with a note that asks them to give me encouragement if they see me...what an outstanding trainer!]

I then marched on to the locker room to change into my shorts (yes, I remembered them this time). I chatted with Cassidy a bit about how I felt Monday, and then went to start on the treadmill.

While on the treadmill, Cassidy and I talked about what was in the Gazette and both agreed that it didn't seem right that the other finalist was receiving training from two people (apparently one of them is a nutritionist?). I of course stated that my trainer must kick some butt if they have to compensate with two over at Emporia fitness. Cassidy is apparently very modest and just replied with a I do the best I can comment.

After the treadmill (10min warm up), we mixed some new exercises in with some old.

Medicine ball squats
Incline push-ups
Dumbbell hamstring stretches (dumbbell deadlifts)
Over the head dumbbell lifts
Standing up Cable rows
Tricep pull downs
Butterfly machine
Leg curl (hamstring)
Leg curl (thigh)
Cable bicep curls
Cable pulls (for the core)
Medicine Ball lifts

then I got on to the bicycle for cool down followed by stretching.

I felt really good after this work out. No threat of passing out, I sweat like a normal person and didn't overheat. Triceps are SUPER sore now but something I can handle. Cassidy and I talked about the fact that the longer I keep up with this, the faster I'll recover and the better I'll do. He's also stated that I was to feel free to use my membership to the fullest. I can come in and do classes or hit the treadmill or bikes, anything the gym offers with it's normal membership, I can access. I plan on going in on off days now and hitting the treadmill or bike and maybe do some easy yoga stuff in a class.

I'm also now starting to feel like I'm in Romper Room while I'm there. I saw George and Amanda and Heather and Joe...who's next for the am lineup?

After I got home, I made sure the kids were getting ready for school and Laid on the bed for ten minutes. Then the normal shower, dressed and got myself ready for work.

It's weird but when I hit work (and this happened Monday as well), my brain just goes on a dead stop. It's hard to focus and remember what I'm doing. Like I'm using fuzzy logic. I snap out of it around 9:0-10:30, but it's still annoying. I'll do as suggested by my friends and chalk it up to my body getting accustomed to the routine and try to remember to bring it up to Cassidy on Friday.

As a midmorning snack, I had half an apple. I'll have the other half for a mid afternoon snack. For lunch I'm eating a six inch subway cold cut combo with lettuce, onion, mayo, american cheese and olives.

Until I post this evening,

Much Love,


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